RCTs and you: the winning combination to succeed in your medical devices’ clinical evaluation

Webinaires RCTs gratuits


RCTs organized a series of free webinars (in French) dedicated to the clinical evaluation of medical devices :

Clinical evaluation vs clinical investigation: differences and links

This webinar defines and compares the clinical evaluation and investigation of medical devices, and explains the importance of linking these two processes throughout your product’s life cycle.

How to conduct a clinical evaluation?

This webinar discusses clinical evaluation regulatory framework and details each stage of the evaluation, before presenting the typical content of a clinical evaluation plan and report (CEP and CER).

The different clinical evaluation strategies

This webinar goes through each clinical evaluation strategy and guides you in choosing a strategy.

Attend the webinars using replay:

You are a medical device manufacturer and you wish to watch one or more replays, please fill this form: https://forms.gle/geWN1YpJ6BAHFG5U6 .